Enjoy these Articles on Making your Home Clutter Free
Is Clutter Weighing You Down?
By Lisa L Patriquin
Just like carrying extra weight on your body can be a burden, carrying extra weight by way of too much stuff in your home can weigh you down too. I like to call this weight, 'clutter weight'. You know the feeling... You walk into a room with piles of papers, a garage that hasn't been able to park a car in it for years, a closet that has so many clothes you can't even tell what you have or a basement that has become a giant storage locker.
7 Steps to an Organized Computer
By Cindy Vanhoff
The inability to find a document, a photo or a piece of music can be a frustration as well as a time waster. When we set out to find something, it's our plan to find that something in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
100 Steps To Organizing Your Life
By Terri Emmett
Achieving an organized life, for the most part, is simply taking an efficient, common sense approach to the way you live. Organization has a great deal to do with how well you know and understand yourself. An organized life starts on an emotional level on the inside and manifests itself through your outward style of living.
Stashing Necessities for Quick and Easy Access
By Tracey Farmer
Can't ever find what you're looking for? Here's the ultimate list of necessities to stash throughout the house, so that you maintain home organization.
Get Ahead of the Chaos! Filing and Organizing Tips
By Susan Ratz
It happens to everyone - you get busy and papers pile up. You can't find that important email in your inbox filled with hundreds of emails. You constantly use the find function to locate files on your computer.