Is Clutter Weighing You Down?
By Lisa L Patriquin
Just like carrying extra weight on your body can be a burden, carrying extra weight by way of too much stuff in your home can weigh you down too. I like to call this weight, 'clutter weight'. You know the feeling... You walk into a room with piles of papers, a garage that hasn't been able to park a car in it for years, a closet that has so many clothes you can't even tell what you have or a basement that has become a giant storage locker. You look at the volume and disorder. You can't believe what you see and you wonder how things became so out of control. You may roll your eyes, sigh, possibly get angry, think about crying and then quickly close the door to the overstuffed space and walk away. You are a little numb and disappointed. How could the very items you brought into your home with the intention of enjoyment turn into a burden you wish would go away? All that stuff and the feelings you have when you look at it are what I like to call 'clutter weight' to your emotional self! Clutter weight is that invisible weight that you carry around with you when you have too much clutter in your life. It is like stepping on the scale after over indulging at Christmas time. Avoiding it only makes things worse. Burying your head in the sand by looking the other way, avoiding the room or trying not to think about it doesn't make the clutter weight go away. This approach can actually add to the weight! Just like losing physical weight, getting rid of 'clutter weight' needs a realistic plan to lose the weight, along with your commitment to see it through and creating an ongoing maintenance plan to keep the weight off in the long term. It's important to remember that just like a physical weight diet, the first few days can be rough, full of tough decisions and downsizing exercise routines. However, before you know it, you will see the results by way of more available space in your home. This will help elevate your mood and commitment to stay the course and continue your diet. Before you know it, you will be well on your way to meeting and maintaining your clutter weight loss goal. One of the nice things about the this type of diet is you don't have to give up your favourite food, it does not have to cost anything and you can help others in need by donating the items you shed to a favourite charity or emergency shelter. So give it a try. You will be surprised at how good you feel and how much weight you take off your shoulders. I hope you have found this article helpful and I would love to hear your feedback. 'Til next time Love Your Life, Not Your Stuff? Lisa For more tips, to receive my FREE e-Book "I'm Downsizing, Now What?", or to speak with me about your downsizing situation, please feel free to contact me at You can also find me on on Twitter (@beingorg101) and Facebook (BeingOrganized101).
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