Organize Clutter to Gain ControlBy Sean Lannin Is your clutter under control, or is it time for you to organize clutter? Is your house neat and tidy, or does it look like a war zone? I am not an organizational expert, my focus is on writing about improving your cleaning chores, but I know that having a clutter free home or workspace is important. At the very least clutter prevent us from cleaning our homes and offices quickly and efficiently. Having to start and stop to move items or put things away slows the cleaning process way down, but there is also a school of thought that thinks excessive clutter can inhibit your financial and spiritual journeys. If we stop for a moment and look around what we see is a little frightening. I mean there is clutter everywhere! Last June we started a project to de-clutter and organize our house, and what we found was amazing. Take this single example, as we were going through a drawer in the kitchen we found a bag of balloons. No big deal, a simple bag of balloons left over from a birthday or some other occasion...right? Well, when we were finally finished with our project we had found 5 bags of balloons!! That is right, apparently each time we needed a balloon we would run out and buy a new bag...probably because we could not find any of the other bags buried beneath the clutter. And our house was pretty clean! Often excessive clutter prevents us from even starting our cleaning projects, we become paralyzed and a little demoralized by the thoughts of having to tackle this monster. In contrast, if our space is neat and orderly our attitude is much more positive and we are more willing to tackle our cleaning tasks. Many organizational specialists suggest that by de-cluttering your house and just from the process of throwing out one item you don't need, you can actually help boost the level of productivity at work. I tend to believe this and know that the process we went through had a very healing affect on us. Because it was not only a few bags of balloons but many, many things that we did not need, just stuff we had accumulated over the years. We threw stuff out, donated most of it, gave a bunch to friends and family, and organized a neighborhood garage sale. We felt good about the choices we made, had a little fun along the way, and the end result was we organize clutter. Whether you want to de-clutter your life because you can't walk through it without tripping over something, you want to organize it before you begin a cleaning project, or because you are looking for a little bit of healing and peace of mind...then it is time to organize clutter. About the Author: If you want more ways to organize clutter and other great information about how to cut your cleaning time by 50%, visit us at Search the Web: |
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