Reduce Frustration and Become More Efficient
by Organizing Your Kitchen
Amanda E. Johnson
A clutter free home begins with having an organized kitchen.
In addition, having a kitchen that is in proper order is the
first step in becoming a great cook. Whether you are cooking
your regular evening meals or planning a 'grand production'
for the holidays, a well organized kitchen will reduce
frustration and make you more efficient. However, many people
have never given much thought to how to properly organize
their kitchen. For those of you who fall into this category,
there is some good news; it is not difficult to organize a
kitchen as long as you understand a few basic concepts with
regards to reducing kitchen clutter.
The following are a few simple rules to help you achieve a
well organized kitchen:
• Pre-plan any meals to the best of your ability. When you
decide to step out of the norm and plan an elaborate meal, the
last thing you want to do is to "wing it." There is an old say
that go like this: "When you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
This old adage is just as true for cooking a meal as well as
life. When you do not properly plan your meal you become
disorganized and increase the chance of mishaps occurring.
Minor mishaps will always happen and they are easy to recover
from if you are well organized, but a major mishap can ruin
the entire meal that you have worked so hard to prepare. So,
always pre-plan as much as possible and keeping your kitchen
well organized will alleviate the frustration of having to
look for cooking utensils when you need them.
• Keep your kitchen clean. A messy kitchen is a disorganized
kitchen. Look around your kitchen and what do you see? You
will see a refrigerator, oven, sink and microwave just to
mention a few of the items your kitchen consists of. It is
important your keep these all clean. And, of course, you will
want to empty the trash frequently. It is impossible to keep
your kitchen organized when you are trying to work around a
• Purchasing all the proper cleaning equipment for the kitchen
is a must. Keeping your closets or cabinets filled with the
proper cleaning supplies will reduce the time it takes to keep
your kitchen clean.
• Commit to making use of the storage space you have available
as opposed allowing plates, glasses, dishes, etc. to pile up
in your sink or on your counters. Clutter leads to
disorganization. Cabinets and drawers are designed to keep
clutter from building up, use them to maintain organization in
your kitchen.
• Develop different station areas within your kitchen to
perform specific tasks. When you have specific areas within
your kitchen set aside to perform certain tasks you will
improve your efficiency by having everything you need right at
your finger tips.
• Arrange your appliances in a logical manner. Keep the
appliances you need to perform specific tasks in the area you
will be using them. A well-organized kitchen is set up so you
will not have to travel around your kitchen to get the
appliance you need. Proper sub-organizing of appliances will
help you maintain an efficient kitchen.
• Sometimes, we will add things to the kitchen that are not
overly important to the effective operation of the kitchen.
For example, television sets and cookbooks are commonly found
in the kitchen. Generally, their inclusion is not a problem.
However, if clutter starts to become an issue, you may need
more space and such ancillary items might have to go.
Always get into habits of putting things back where you got
them. A great deal of clutter will often derive from leaving
things out in the open as opposed to putting them in their
proper place.
About the Author: Amanda Johnson is
a Clutter Free Enthusiast who enjoys helping others live a
clutter free life. To learn more about
Clutter Free Living and the benefits it will bring to your
life, check out Amanda's website
here. |