To De-Clutter, Organize Your Work One Room at a TimeBy Christina JorgensonDon't expect to de-clutter and organize a home that has been accumulating clutter for months or years in just one day. The most efficient method for conquering clutter and organizing a disorderly home is to devote a set amount of time to this task each day, until you have completely uncluttered your home. Before you start to clean the clutter, prepare three big boxes and mark them clearly: a 'to give' box, a 'to throw out' box and a 'to put away' box. Also bring a garbage bag to put next to the 'throw out' box so you can empty your trash easily. Keep in mind that you will de-clutter and organize your home, so the clutter organization process should be orderly and methodical. Tackle one room at a time, beginning at the door to the room and working clockwise around it. Clean the clutter on the floor, on (and inside) furniture, shelves etc without skipping anything. Deciding which items to put in which box is often difficult. To help make up your mind, some of the questions you can ask yourself about items you are unsure of are: What your feelings for the item are; are you attached to it for sentimental reasons? Does it evoke feelings of guilt, or maybe grief? If you have been hoarding clutter in your home because you feel guilty about getting rid of it, then now is the time to do so. You can't get an organized home if you hang on to items just because you feel guilty about giving or throwing them away. When was the last time you used an item? If it's been over a year since you did so, then you probably should put it in the 'to give' box. Is the item in good working condition? Do you have more than one of it? Answering 'yes' to the above questions indicates that you should give or throw away that particular object. Take the 'to give' box to a thrift shop or donation center when it is full. You could also auction off these items on eBay or sell them on Craigslist and make yourself some pocket money. To de-clutter and organize a home properly, it's very important to deal with all the objects in the 'put away' box immediately. As soon as the box is full, start arranging its contents in their proper place. Never put off this step and simply store the box away in a closet. Chances are you won't get back to it until it's time to de-clutter closets. As you de-clutter, organize the contents of drawers and shelves etc. If there's a desk in the room, make sure to putting everything (pens, stamps, paper clips etc) in its proper place. Clutter organization includes sorting through any important papers you come across and tossing out documents or bills that are over a year old. If you need to keep some of these papers for several years, designate a specific place to put them in, in another part of the house. Conquering the clutter in your home may appear overwhelming at first. You'll find, however, that if you relax and take the time you need to de-clutter, organize and tidy up, this task can be accomplished quite easily. The important thing is to be persistent; continue your clutter organization efforts for a few hours every day until you get an organized home that you can be proud of. It's a good idea to keep a dust cloth with you as you reduce clutter so you can clean the room at the same time. Once you have a tidy, clean, clutter-free room, you can start using your favorite accessories to decorate it. About the Author: Christina Jorgenson is a married housewife with 3 children. After years of living with a messy and unorganized family, she decided to change their lives by clearing out all of the clutter. During this process, Christina developed a system for organizing and decluttering that she has shared in her book, Reduce Clutter Information. For more information please visit: |
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