Clutter and Hoarding - 5 Practical and Simple Cleaning TipsHere are five practical and simple cleaning tips that you may find as the answer to your growing problem. Below are a few tips that may help you simplify and generally lessen the stress of having to do the chore in the first place. Hopefully you will find one or more adaptable to work for you, so that your cleaning experience may be more enjoyable, less stressful, and possibly you may feel better about doing it more often. Tip 1: Throw Out The Trash A client of mine said this was an important cleaning tip for her household, although it sounded so simple. She said if she didn't stay on top of the trash, clutter quickly would accumulate and overwhelm her space. By putting trash cans throughout the house such as in the kitchen, home office, bedrooms, bathrooms, and garage, it made it more likely that the trash would make it into the garbage, rather that piled somewhere or dropped on the floor. She said that smaller trash cans seemed to work better. She felt that the small one was more easily emptied thus eliminating the overwhelming pile that she said quickly would get out of control. Tip 2: Vacuum Many clients of mine found that around once a week seemed to work best for vacuuming, but it all depends on your household. One client said she would start at one end of the house and vacuum her way throughout her entire home, room by room. Other clients vacuum a part of the house at a time. If there is a lot of clutter, feel free to vacuum whatever you can. One person said she would take this opportunity to vacuum her furniture. For example, she would vacuum under her couch cushions one time and other furniture at another time. She said it was likely that she would not get the vacuum out again to specifically do under the cushions, so no time like the present while it was out. Tip 3: Dusting A quick little dusting after the dust settles from your vacuuming is a perfect way to keep things looking great and to reduce the allergens, dirt and grime in your home. One client said she would get the cobwebs down while the dust settled, just a quick little cobweb dusting to get them off the ceiling and keep them from collecting in corners. Then she would give a quick little dusting. She said she was always surprised that such a quick and easy little thing could pick up so much dust and dirt and get it out of her home. It's best to use a microfiber cloth so it doesn't stir up the dust. Tip 4: Do The Dishes One client said she found if she did the dishes immediately, instead of waiting for the sink to fill up and then ending up with dirty dishes spilling out onto the counter top and usually onto the stove, it made it more manageable for her. She said she found that if it was just a few dishes or a cup she would wash and dry it, putting it away immediately. She also said if it was a full sink, but not a full dishwasher load, she would get them rinsed and loaded. She said this helped keep them out of her sink. Tip 5: Put It Away Another client of mine mentioned that this simple yet important tip had truly made a difference in her once cluttered life. She said when she first started to use it sometimes she would do great and sometimes she would slip. Ultimately she noticed that it became easier the more she practiced it, and she noticed that the better she got at it, the less cluttered she was and the more manageable that her clutter became. She felt a boost in confidence. She said it made her feel good. She noticed when she would put something away, a warm feeling of accomplishment would come over her. She also said it was great because when she would go back to use something, and it was actually where it was supposed to be she felt the same sense of pride and accomplishment as before. The "Wandering Butterfly Clean Up Technique" is a wonderful way to make it easy to clean up. It is excellent to use when you don't feel like cleaning up, yet you get something done! To receive the free document, click here About the Author: Many clutterers benefit from the gentle, easy and empowering process of hypnotherapy, especially with a hypnotherapist who specializes in clutter. Beverly E. Taylor, the "Clean Up Queen" is the only person in the world who has written a book using hypnosis to help people easily clean up clutter. She was the featured hypnotherapist on the TLC TV show, "Help! I'm a Hoarder." |
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